Showing posts with label fly fishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fly fishing. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2017

Some This and That

Today’s post consists of a variety of subjects; hope you guys find some interesting. As most of you know I’ve been blogging for quite a while, in fact, seven years to be exact. During that time I have interacted with some wonderful individuals who love fishing as much as I do; a big thank you for visiting Fishing Through Life and pushing the number of visitors over half a million a couple of weeks ago.
Some weeks ago we got a heavy dusting of snow that really brought out the birds feeding at the feeders. The grandchildren and Pops enjoy identifying each species that frequent the feeders. 
I’m sure a lot of you guys use screen savors. I have my computer programmed so it will show a different outdoor scene each time I log into my laptop. This image of the old Crystal Mill rotated onto my computer the other day; I thought about Howard and Mel, who I suspect live within driving distance of the historic site. The mill is located about four hours west of Denver in the town of Carbondale. Just wondering if you guys will ever make a trip there, could be worth a great post!
I was visiting the Orvis website the other day and linked into their fly fishing video segments, which covers everything about fly fishing. After viewing some of the videos and taking the test at the end of the videos showed me that I am still in the learning stages. Check out the test on Dry Fly Fishing and see how much you know about fishing the dry fly. By the way I did pass my test with a score of 88.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Some of my Favorite Post From 2016

As I sit here today and scan through some of my blog posts from this past year, they make realize why I love to fish so much. I still remember every detail from the trips, the other fly fishermen I encountered and fishing with individuals who love fly fishing as much as I do. I thought I would share with you guys what I think was my top five outings for 2016; some you may have viewed and some posts you may have missed. I have to admit some of my 2016 outings may be hard to top for 2017 starting with a memorable trip with the grandchildren and my daughter in June 2016:
Grandkids + Mom Fishing with Pops
What made this trip special was lots of fish landed that day both from the boat and from the bank. My daughter grew fishing with me at the same age her children are fishing with me now. I'm glad the tradition will continue.
Putting a Dent in my Bluegill Quest
I’m sure I will find lakes here that will match the bluegills that Walker County Lake had swimming in it. I still remember the spots where I landed these bulls and of course, talking with the gentleman fishing for catfish.
This is one fishing trip I will never forget, mainly because I was able to do something I’d never accomplish on the Sipsey, land numbers of quality rainbow. The video footage link above sums up the trip!!
This post carried me back to my childhood and the fond memories I had of my younger brother, Mom , and Dad. The only brother left out of five is my older brother Bobby.
A memorable trip for sure landing this huge Spotted Bass with my 8 ½ ft. 3weight; I think I may better this fish when I visit Laura Hill Lake come spring.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

2016 Zoomed by Can 2017 Slow Down Some

Moving is never easy, especially when one gives up 30 years of memories living in one place. Cathey and I have adjusted well to the move to Tennessee, living close to all our grandchildren and meeting some wonderful neighbors in our little subdivision. The only downside to the move was losing fishing time. I hope to recover some of that lost time in 2017.
As I get older the years seem to pass off faster, which makes me cherish every fishing trip I
make now. I have been very fortunate with my health over the years, and I hope I can continue to stay in fairly good health in the coming years. Sure I have aches and pains like most all of us do but nothing significant enough to keep me off the water.
  One of my first trips in early March will be fishing Lake Lindsey
located in beautiful David Crockett Park in Lawrenceburg. It is noted for having some super size gills that will kick off my bluegill quest for 2017. Another lake I plan on wetting some flies in is Laura Hill Lake located south of Lawrenceburg. This is one of the prettiest lakes I have seen in middle Tennessee, high banks, crystal clear water, and noted for super size gills, smallmouth bass, spotted bass and walleye. As for trout fishing, the Caney will be one-stop destination. I will be making a number of float trips with my son-in-law on this beautiful tailrace for the coming year. I will still wade the tailrace below the dam, but I have come to realize if one is going to be successful fishing the Caney Fork, you need to float it. I’m looking forward to a successful fishing season and HOPE ALL YOU GUYS HAVE THE SAME------HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!      

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Fly Fishing Bargains

Like Mel at Flyfishin’ Times, I’m always on the lookout for fishing bargains. I really hate to pay an outrageous price for fishing equipment and find out later that I could have got basically the same product for a much lower price. The same can be said for a couple of products I recently found while searching for a new trout net.

  • Made of high-grade wood frame and tangle-free clear rubber net
  • Carry your trout net to your fishing vest easily with elastic lanyard
  • Catch and release fish safely to prevent injury
  • Net: 23.8 inches(L)x11 inches(W) , handle: 8.6 inches(L)x1.2 inches(W) , rubber net depth: 9.4 inches ,weight: 0.8 lb----27.00 bucks + Free Shipping --Amazon

    Orvis Mirage Fluorocarbon tippet line on sale at Bass Pro for 11.00 bucks, regular price 15.00; 32 yards tippet spools in sizes 6X and 7X ----good price for fluorocarbon!  

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

We Finally Moved In!!!!

It’s good to be back with you guys after a four-month break. Cathey and I moved into our new home, three weeks ago, and we finally have everything in place inside the house. We completed all the landscaping in the front and sides of the house a couple of days ago but still have a lot more landscaping ahead of us. The back is still a work in progress while we wait for rain to pack the fill dirt so the fence post will whole must better. The lot that the house is built on is backed up against property owned by General Motors and will never be developed. We see deer and turkey daily in the woods behind the house. 

We lived upstairs with our daughter’s family for 16 weeks while we were in the building process. Between constructing our house and painting all the rooms in our daughter’s house gave little time for fishing. I did make a couple of trips to the Caney Fork that I will report on later, but no fishing from the boat was possible, too hot and too busy every day. Tennessee has some fantastic small lakes near home and of course, the Caney is close as well; spring can’t get here faster enough for me!!!

Wishing everyone a great Thanksgiving Day       

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Uni-Thread Leader-Quite a Find!!

Rain, sleet, and a light dusting of snow have kept me inside most of the week with the exception of my gym time a couple of mornings. This time of year I am on the computer a lot watching fly fishing videos and doing some research involving fly fishing equipment and accessories. One of the accessories that got my attention this week was the Uni-Thread Furled Leader. It’s not that I had never heard of a furled leader but I wanted to learn more about this leader before I purchased a couple. The main reason I want to try a furled leader is drag problems I encounter at times fishing the mono leader especially on downstream drifts. I hope this leader will aid in eliminating some of the drag I experience when fishing a dry. What’s your take on the furled leader?

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Landing Rainbow on the Caney Fork

Fishing the Caney Fork Tailrace is the ultimate in tailrace fishing, because of its beauty and of course the amount of rainbow and browns one can land during an outing. I got to experience its beauty and its quality trout on Wednesday of this week, fishing with one of my blogging buddies David Knapp. A big thank you to David for helping me learn the tailrace much better and what fly patterns worked best this time of the year. I wanted to learn how to effectively read the productive water and eliminate the so-called dead water; mission accomplished.

A quality rainbow that put quite a bend in my 4 wt. 9 ft. My 4 weight took a beating, breaking off 2 inches at the tip. I was trying to set the hook and the nymph flew back and hit the tip of the rod and broke the tip. Something that probably happens 1 in 10000 times, really weird. Redington will replace the rod for free.
  One of the better rainbows of the day that inhaled the nymph; of the four tailraces, I have fished since I started trout fishing the Caney is my favorite. The gravel bottom makes for easy wading and super clear water lets you know where the trout are feeding.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Blogging Buddies-----Hard to Beat!!!

It’s always good to receive free stuff especially if it's from a blogging buddy. I received this pack of goodies from Howard at Windknots and Tangled Lines the other day. I’ve known Howard ever since I started blogging 6 years ago, via his blog. It’s always good to know one of your fishing buddies thinks enough of you to give you something; know that the shirt, cap, flies and all the other items will be put to good use, a big thank you, Howard!!

I started blogging in 2/11 2010; back then there were more bloggers on the net as opposed to now. Some have moved on to Facebook, or simply quit blogging. I deleted a number of blogs from my roll the other day simply because they have stop posting. Some have been in my blog roll for 1 year or more. I still add blogs to my roll that are interesting, but not nearly as many as I use to, they are becoming less and less.
Blogging for me has become somewhat of a hobby; it gives me a chance to connect with individuals who love fly fishing as much as me. As I sit the other day working on a future post I was thinking of how many individuals I know in Jasper who fly fish, two! Both fly fish the lake with me but only one fishes the tailrace. Most of the time I go by myself, which is ok on the tailrace, because I’m never alone there; I never fish the lake anymore by myself. So I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m thankful I have all you guys I blog with about fly fishing daily. When I starting blogging I was trying to learn everything I could about fly fishing for trout; I’ve learned a lot these past six years from you guys. I’m still learning about the sport; so thanks Howard and the rest of you guys for making the process a lot easier.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Quality Rainbow Landed On the Sipsey

I know all of us who fly fish have had days when you ask yourself, could it get any better than today? Well a couple of Wednesdays back I kept asking myself that very question. There was only one other fisherman in the gouge that day fishing in the 50 degree water with a gusting wind from the north at 10 to 15 mph. Lucky for me the wind was blowing with the current making a drift much easier. I had 2 ½ hours to complete my mission today and I wanted to make the most of the trip. So I made a beeline for one of my favorite holes that always seem to have a good rainbow. Little did I know that today those good rainbows would be some of the best trout that I’ve ever landed on the Sipsey. Numerous trout were taken today using the bead-head nymph.
Some weeks ago I landed a number of trout with damaged gill plates; this trout today had a red nick on its outer gill plate.

The videos below sums up the action for the afternoon; trout landed about every 10 to 15 minutes. I started the trip without my Contour Video camera, but the action was so good, I decided to walk by to the truck and get it. I lost a good 20 minutes of fishing time, but I made up for it after I got back to the gorge and started landing rainbow again.
Sorry the sound didn’t record for this video, don’t know why---I added some music that I thought might complement the action of this trout.
This video is a little long because it took me quite a while to land this rainbow. I was using a 6X tippet in the super clear water. This fish is one of the best I’ve ever landed on the Sipsey. One will land more trout here if they use a lighter tippet. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Huge Bluegilsl Landed on Walker County Lake

I started by bluegill quest this past Tuesday with early morning temps in the mid-forties, quite chilly. Overcast skies kept the temperature cool most of the morning, but it didn’t affect the bluegill bite. I had the lake to myself for a couple of hours, which is always a plus when fishing Walker County Lake. As I have told you guys numerous times this is one of the most pressured small lakes in the state. My plan was to fish the east side of the lake where there is no access for bank fishermen. I know where most of the spawning beds are located year in and out on this lake; today held no surprises for me. What did surprise me was most all the spawning beds were void of fish. At my first stop, I counted close to 40 beds, after I landed 3 nice bluegills.
The sweet spot on this bank was located near the fallen log lying in the water. The bluegills had clean out close to 40 spawning beds to the right and left of the log.
The first gill of the morning, which nailed an Orvis size 12 legless tiny popper; a lot of fun on the 3 weight.
This fish loved the little popper, the very next cast produce another strong fish which hung my little popper and the fish in a tangled mess of underwater brush; so much for that popper. Wouldn’t you know it that was the only one in the fly box, another trip to Orvis?
Another group of gills was located at the end of this moss pad in deeper water; again lots of spawning beds but only a few bluegills left to fish for. The live bait guys did a great job plucking each and every bluegill out of their beds.
The Bar Nunn popper got the attention of this bull after my little Orvis popper bites the dust. I was able to land a number of bluegill from the moss pad area that someone actually left for me. As I moved from spawning beds to spawning beds I felt like I was cleaning up what was left of this spawn.
This guy was having a time landing catfish using chicken livers as bait. In fact, he was hauling one in when I snapped this picture. He had 7 or 8 rigs all hanging over the edge of the boat.
I left all my drinking water at the house so I had to make a trip to the bait shop and purchase a couple of bottles. As I was leaving the shop I noticed this lady painting a beautiful scene of the point area in the distance. She told me she had finished a number of paintings of the lake this past year.
The Pelican now has padded seats as opposed to those hard plastic seats I used for a couple of years. This is the 10 ft. version and will handle two fly fishermen really well-------as long as my line is down on the water and their line is up in the air or vice versa---I think you guys know what I am talking about!!
These are the best of the best for a very successful morning; these 10 will put a dent in my bluegill quest. I added 8 more that kept me filleting bluegill for a couple of hours after I got home. I will go after the big bulls on Smith Lake next week. I am now 40 away from my 50 quests; could this be my year to make it???

Friday, March 18, 2016

Landing Super Size Gills Using Tiny Poppers Fishing with Jason

My son Jason and I spent Friday afternoon fishing size 14 mini poppers on Walker County Lake. That was the norm all afternoon fishing tiny poppers in super clear water landing some nice size gills. All were worthy of keeping for table fare.
Even the Red Eye Bass were into the tiny poppers. I really enjoy landing these fish on a 3 weight. They never stop with the acrobatic stunts
Good size for the fillet knife; Jason’s 3 weight got quite a workout for the afternoon landing numbers in this size. He will be leaving Sunday morning flying back to Sacramento for work Monday. Tomorrow will be his trip to the Sipsey. He won’t make it back to Jasper again until Christmas. What a joy it is for me to get to fish with one of our children when they are home; brings back so many fond memories.
The little chartreuse popper was perfect in the clear water, because of its delicate landing on the water surface. We tried larger poppers, but they would scare the fish as soon as they landed on the surface. The fishing pressure on this lake is heavy, making the fish extremely weary.
Spring is here for sure as this pine tree can attest to!!!
Guys believe it or not but there is an Eagle in that mass of pine needles; we tried to get closer but as we did it when airborne.
What a thrill to see our first Eagle on Walker County Lake; a great way to end a successful bluegill outing.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Battling Gusting Winds on the Sipsey

I have fished in windy conditions a number of times on the Sipsey but this past Wednesday had to be the worst. I met Jay at the Pump Station parking lot around 10:30. I have followed his blog “The Naturalist’s Angle” for a number of years. It was good to see him again and get to fish with someone who loves fly fishing as much as I do. The water level on the Sipsey has been up and down for the past months, and today we knew we would be fishing high water. In fact, we waited for a half-hour to get to fish at a suitable level.
The wind was blowing so strong out of the south that it was difficult to get a good drift at times. We did see some limited midge action after lunch in some calm water closer to the banks that proved productive using smaller dries.
Jay landed the first rainbow dead drifting a size 18 beadhead midge pattern in somewhat calm water. All the trout taken today were in the stocker size, which was a lot of fun on our 3 weights. One can really diminish the excitement of landing smaller fish on the Sipsey if they are using anything above a 3 weight. Most of the trout caught here are 12” and under; one very seldom lands trout in the 15” range and above. 13” to 15” are considered special here.

I started the topwater action midafternoon after seeing a small hatch in some calm water just off the opposite bank from me. This rainbow nailed the size 20 dry in fast action. We both lost numerous trout during the afternoon because of a slow hook set; these trout were fast!!! We continued to land trout on top right up to the horn sounding telling us it was time to leave. This was the first time Jay has had the opportunity to fish the Sipsey up close and have success. Do you think he might be coming back???

Friday, March 4, 2016

Using Your Chest Pack as a Rod Holder

Every time I’m on the tailrace I keep reminding myself I need to share my latest find with you guys. I know some of you may already know about using your chest pack as a rod holder; when you are standing in waist or knee-deep water trying to change flies or even changing out tippets. I have been fishing in knee-deep water many times wanting to change flies but didn’t want to move and disturb the water I was fishing. I discovered last year the chest pack I was using was much more than an accessory pack.
The fly rod will rest in a perfect horizontal position when it is positioned behind the neck strap connected to the pack and pushed down behind the pack touching your chest. 
I changed from the fly fishing vest to the chest pack a few years ago. I found that I really didn’t need to carry the store in the vest with me to fish for three or four hours. I wanted something lighter and compact so the chest pack became my go-to storage bag.
One can fork out quite a bit of money for chest packs and vests. The pack I am using is the White River brand on sale now for 18.00 bucks for the large size and 15.00 bucks for the small size.
Big rains here today will continue to keep me off the tailrace for weeks.  

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ledasink Leader Sinkant

Rain, rain and more rain for the past couple of days has pushed the water level on Smith Lake up 5 feet. Trout fishing will be put on whole and crappie fishing will have to take its place if the weather cooperators for next week. In the meantime I will continue to do a few yard chores, gym time, blogging with you guys and watching fly fishing videos.

Some time ago I did a post that featured one of Jonathan Barnes videos, at that time I told you guys that I had become a huge fan of his fly fishing videos. I don’ want you all to think I am getting free fly fishing merchandise from his website for plugging his video's I am not. I just want to share his expertise in fly fishing with you, mainly because he conveys a lot of information in each segment. If you are interested in hearing background music in his videos you will probably have to look elsewhere. Nature and water sounds along with him adding his take about the segment his wife is what you will get.

I’m going to give the Ledasink leader sinkant a try that Jonathan was using in this segment to sink his tippet tip while fishing the CDC pattern; anything to improve one’s catch ratio is worth trying. Hope you enjoy In The Ring of The Fire
This video below shows how to fish pocket water where fish whole behind small boulders. The Sipsey and the Canery have this same cover as many of the waters you guys fish.
For much stronger video sound use earplugs  

Saturday, February 20, 2016

First Trout For 2016

Finally, I get to fish the Sipsey again; December the 15th.  2015 was my last trip. We had 2” of rain in Jasper Monday and I figured that the generators would be running full blast all week. Wow, was I surprised when I checked the generating schedule Wednesday. Thursday and Friday would be free of generation. I picked Friday, 70 degrees a little overcast and a slight wind would hopefully trigger some activity for me.
Apparently everyone else thought Friday was the day too; didn’t make me no never mind, I was going to fish!!

I was anxious to try out my new Prestige Plus fly line from Cabelas. I also want to see how effective the furled leader works fishing it on a downstream retrieve. I’ve never fished this type of leader, and understand from information I’ve read it really enhances a dry flies drift. I was ready to accept the fact that I would be changing leaders to fish the nymph and dry throughout the afternoon. I won’t complain if it improves my catch ratio.
Nymphs are my go-to pattern on the Sip, so the nymph was tied on and I was off to access 5. All the heavy rains had changed the color of the water to aqua green.
Numerous stockers were brought to hand this afternoon using my 9 ft. 3 weight StreamFlex which made me think at times I was landing 12” trout. I talk to one guy who was landing the stockers using a 6 weight----way OVERKILL!!
A guide trip in progress right below me, four fly fishermen above me and more on up the gorge; plenty of company.
This fatty put up quite a fight before I finally netted it. I thought I was going to lose this fish, because I kept thinking my 6X was going to break with each hard run it would make. 
Unusual markings on this little guy---I am wondering if this is a rainbow, what do you guys think??
The only downer for this trip were the coils I kept experiencing all afternoon forming at my feet; I am going to assume I spooled the line on wrong. I kept hoping I would get a chance to try out my new furled leader but no surface activity was present the entire afternoon. I was told by one guy that the hatch occurred early morning, so guess when I will be back? --------as if I needed a reason to come back!!!