Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cathey and I Fishing With The Grandchildren

Cathey and I have spent three days with two of our grandchildren this past week and really got a good workout. In other words, we didn’t need to go to the gym at all this past week. There is nothing like having grandchildren and enjoying spending time with them especially when they are young. They are only little once so make the most of that precious time. Friday afternoon Cathey and I carried Bryson and Laelyn to a local pond for some fishing. The images below sum up the trip!!
Bryson landing his largest bass to date
Quite an accomplishment for this young guy!!!
His sister Laelyn was excited about Bryson’s catch
This bluegill was in full spawning mode
Laelyn finally gets brave enough to touch one of the bluegill
After touching the bluegill she decides to land one, I think Bryson may have found him a fishing partner.


  1. Well done Bill. Those kids will cherish these memories for a lifetime.

  2. The pictures absolutely tell the story. You can see the excitement in their eyes. My most enjoyable fishing trips are when I take my kids or a friends kids fishing. I'm sure you feel the same way. Great post!!

  3. Looks like a blast was had by all! The smiles and excitement on their faces is priceless. Great post!

  4. Bill, you know that I cherish the time spent with my grandchildren doing anything. But, fishing in particular, is one I cherish every minute and memory. Great to see you continuing to lead by example, Grandpa! BTW, that young grandson looks like a natural.

  5. Thanks Bill, all smiles and wonderful, fishing kids!

  6. Howard
    Bryson and Laelyn remind us of our children when they were little. We would carry Jason and Jenny fishing often when they were Bryson and Laelyn's age. Thanks for the comment

  7. Drew
    Both large and small fish get Bryson and Laelyn excited, maybe as excited as Pops and Meme get spending time them. Thanks for the comment

  8. Justin
    Nothing like seeing kids enjoying landing fish, and learning about the outdoors. Thanks for the comment

  9. Mel
    Nothing like grandchildren to keep one young at heart and active, and I mean active which is a good thing for individuals our age. Thanks for the comment

  10. Walt
    A great outing had by grandparents as well as grandchildren. Thanks for the comment

  11. Bill, time spent with our grand children are so precious.
    And they keep us young.

  12. Alan
    Got to love our grandchildren!!! thanks for the comment

  13. Awesome stuff. Nothing better than seeing kids taken out to fish and learn how to be good sportsmen.

  14. Daniel
    I hope my they will continue to love the sport into their teenage and adult life. Thanks for the comment
