Friday, June 15, 2012

The 3 Wt. 9 ft.Hardy Grey Fly Rod Mixed With Bluegills

I hope you guys will bear with me for hopefully a few more weeks on my bluegill quest. Today is yet another update on the progress of my goal to land 100 super bull bluegills before the spawn ends. Saturday was slow as far as the big bluegills were concerned. I did land a lot of average size fish but the bigger ones either were not on the beds or scattered here and there. I manage to lose a nice spot on a size 4 Boggle Bug popper and he still may have it in his mouth somewhere in Rock Creek. Why do you always have to lose the good fish? I have often said don’t let me get the fish on if I have to lose it. Lately my 3 wt 9 ft. Hardy Greys has been my choice to continue to land the bluegills. I really get a rush fighting those bigger bluegills with this rod. It has to be the best fly rod I have ever put in my hands. The ease and the smoothness of the cast is effortless. I have to admit I do lose a few fishing this rod but that is what you expect when you are fishing an inferior fly rod against a superior foe at times.
The white Betts Popper seems to work best Saturday, it was overcast most of the morning and this fly gave the fish a little better chance to see the offering
These four were the ones that made the grade today. This size bluegill in deep water on a 3 wt is a challenge.


  1. Those are some really nice looking fish, Bill!

  2. Great looking blue gill as always! Really have to catch me some bluegill soon!

  3. i always tend to feel sorry for the fish i leave with a hook in their mouth

  4. Love those gills.
    The rod works well for you.

  5. Bill, are you going to have a fish fry when you hit your magic number? Those are some dinner sized gills!

  6. Howard
    My wife informed me the other day that the deep freeze is full of fish. She said she needs the space that is left for vegetables. So the remaining 22 will be photographed and released. The fish fry happens each week, so hopefully one of those weeks will be the magic 100 fish fry. Thanks for the comment

  7. Brk
    I am thinking about a 4 wt in the Hardy Greys, these rods are unbelievable. Thanks for the comment

  8. Blake
    I was hoping I would get the popper back by the bass coming out of the water after he broke off, but no such luck. Thanks for the comment

  9. J
    Thanks for the comment, hope to make the goal.

  10. Chris
    I have two to three weeks left and this contest is over. Thanks for the comment

  11. This fellow bream addict just wanted to say how much he loves your blog! Love the posts; great motivation as I begin my own "year of the bluegill" fly quest. Keep up the great writing, I'll be sure to add you to my reading list.

  12. Thanks Phillip for the kind words about the blog. I truly love to fly fish especially for the big bull bluegills. Glad to hear you are joining me in the quest.
