Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Question About Line Weight

 Thought I would start the New Year off by putting a question out there for all you guys. What is your opinion on using a larger weight line with a smaller weight rod? I know some of you probably have apply this concept to your fishing arsenal, and some of you stick with the given rule of using the same weight light with the same weight rod. I also know there are advantages and disadvantages in going this route, with the line and the rod. So I am curious to know what your opinion is on this particular set-up. Thinking about, planning, and chopping at the bits to get back out on the water.


  1. Interesting question, Bill. I've actually done a lot of thinking on this myself lately. With rods labeled for two line weights, such as a 5/6, the basic understanding is that it will either cast a sinking 5 wt or a floating 6 weight well. I have found several of my rods that probably should have been labeled as such. These are not high end rods, but they cast much better with one line weight higher than what they are labeled. This is with floating line. I rarely ever use any sort of sinking line. I recently tried out my 5 wt that I thought would cast a 6 better, and it did. the best way to really know is go out and cast, and see how it feels. If the line loads the rod to your liking, then go with it. A lot of it is personal preference, but I imagine a lot of rods would load better with one line weight higher of floating line.

  2. On my 9'5wt I have a 5wt line & like the pairing.

    On my 8'6wt I use a 6wt line. With a slow sink nymph spool/line on now. Most excellent at tossing nymphs & streamers in the wind. It does a fair job of drys with a 6wt floating line.

  3. Hi Bill. I'll just jump in here with both feet. I have no clue. I rely on the guys at the fly shop to let me know what I need for what. Way too confusing for me.


  4. I just want my rod to perform. If it calls for a different weight line than what is printed on the blank to match up with my casting stroke, so be it.

  5. First question to ask is How fast or slow is the rod? Fast- how quickly it springs back-
    If you want to slow it down then step the line up a wt. if you want to speed it up go a little lighter, the makers try to help us with this by putting a number on the rod, once the rod is in your hand, you decide if the number is right or not and then change the line.
    One thing to consider is, if its taking alot of effort to get a cast a reasonable distance and you know that your rod has the power, you may need a heavier line to get the rod to load so that it springs back the speed that you with.
    another thing not to forget is that a fly rod is not just to cast fly line but to land fish and protect tippet!

  6. Josh
    I gave my son-in-law a new TFO for Christmas and loaded it with a 5 wt. floating line; the rod is a 4 wt. I did this to slow his delivery down some. He has a tendency to do a lot of false casting and I thought the higher wt. line would help him eliminate the some of the false casting which sometimes causes him to get line tangle. You answered my question when you stated the larger line wt. would slow down the cast. He has not tried it out as of yet but I think the larger line wt. will help him in his delivery.

  7. Jay
    Personally I like to stick with the recommended line/rod wt. suggestions. If I think I can improve my delivery I will tinker with the line weights. Thanks for the comment

  8. Jay
    Sorry I deleted your comment; it went to the trash bin by accident. I get so many emails through my gmail account, I sometimes delete messages accidentally and in your case it was your comment. I talk to my brother yesterday and he mentioned he uses a 6 wt. on his 5 wt Courtland, which is a low in rod but he says he gets a better cast with the heavier line wt. I know it is a matter of preference and in my case I am still using the rod/line wt rule. I may run across a rod in the near future that I may have to change line weights with but as of now that has not happened. By the way have you seen the green and brown grasshoppers that Basspro is stocking? They have to be the most realistic hoppers I have ever seen. I am planning on getting some the next time I am in Birmingham. Thanks for the comment.

  9. I've seen them, and used them. They are great, but you pay for that quality. I need to learn how to make my own.
