Sunday, February 14, 2016

Revisiting my Big Bluegill Site

I know many of you save your favorite sites especially those that deal with fishing. I have numerous fishing sites that I have saved over the years. Every so often usually once a year I update the sites and discard the ones I don’t visit anymore and revisit a few that catches my attention. While organizing yesterday, I found my old bluegill site that I created back in 2010 on Big Bluegill Website. I noticed while visiting the site they had given it a new look but still keep the same format. The site now shows the number of individuals who are visiting while you are logged in which I like.

I decided I would reacquaint myself with the group so I did a short post on my Pelican Boat I purchased in 2014. I also updated all of my images. The website is similar to a fishing forum and the closest I will ever get to a Face book type page. One can just post an image with a comment similar to Face book and get a quick comment.
I hope to post a few of my bluegill outings there this season which begins in a few weeks.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Cabela's Prime Fiberglass Fly Rod

Cathey and I stopped by the new Cabela’s in Huntsville Friday on our way to see our daughter’s family in Tennessee. This store is larger than the one we visited back in the summer in Nebraska. I was really impressed with all the merchandise I saw in the store especially in the fly fishing department where I spent the majority of my time. The main reason for the stop was to purchase some new fly line and some waist waders. I haven’t replaced my 3 weight fly line in four years and wouldn’t replace it now but the loop broke and I didn’t want to use a knot to connect leader and fly line. I clean all my fly lines at least 4 or five times a year and I assume that is why it lasted as long as it has. The price of the fly line is ridiculously high so I was looking for a quality line, at a reasonable price
Cabela's Prestige fly line was exactly what I was looking for.  
I feel my chest waders with the seams wearing are nearing their last wade and will need to be replaced for this season. I’ve wanted to try some waist waders for some time not only for the comfort in the summer months but for the depth of water I wade in now. I never wade in water nowadays above my knees.
After suiting up in a couple of pair, I finally settled on Cabela's Breathable Premium waders.
As always when I visit the big box sporting goods stores, I find something that I think I just can’t do without. Well, today was no exception; after touching the surface and feeling the flex of Cabela’s Prime fly rod I was impressed big time!! The 7’ 1” ---4 weight was awesome, but a number of anglers looking at the fly rod in the store as well as me all agreed that Cabela needs to add a 3 weight in the 7 ft. series. I have fished with numerous fiberglass fly rods over the years, but the Prime is in another class, simply put; it is the best fiberglass fly rod I have ever touch!!! 
*********Check out the reviews on this fly rod*********

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Bird Watching, Bird Feeders & Seeds

I have been watching birds feed on our back porch for years.  I’ve never bothered to find out the name of some of the species, I was just content watching them fly in and out through the day. It’s not that I am clueless as to the names of some of the more common birds that visit the feeders; such as the Cardinal, House Wren, and Morning Doves, but others I didn’t recognize. 

I decided a couple of weeks ago I would make an effort to try and identify the other colorful birds that frequent my feeders; so my first stop on this bird journey was Barnes and Noble. The big-box book stores can be overwhelming with the volume of books. I spent some time sorting through numerous books that dealt with everything about birds. I finally found a small handbook titled “Birds of Alabama” which had everything I wanted to know about the bird species in Alabama.

This little book is loaded with information about each species of birds. ----according to size, color images of male and female, types of nests, number of eggs, incubation period, type of food and much more. For someone getting into bird watching at a beginner's level; this book really got my attention.
 The book states the types of bird seeds that will attract different species to your feeders.   
 I’ve been using the Black Oil Sunflower Seeds for years to attract numerous species of bird. It is probably the most popular of all bird seeds.
I just started using the Pennington Ultra Premium Nut and Fruit Blend Bird Seed. I read in the book where this seed will attract even more species of Sparrows and Wrens. I may add another feed later such as the tiny White Sunflower Seed, but for now I feel this is a good seed start.
I’ve had this feeder in use for years and over time had to add a tray on its bottom to collect all the sunflower hulls. The birds will crack the outer shell to get to the soft seed inside. I am cleaning the tray out daily. Notice the cast iron tray bird feeder; prime for another type of bird seed in the future.
This copper feeder has the nut and fruit blend seeds. I am seeing more Sparrows and Wren species since I started using this feed.
Adding the piece of round metal below the feeders made it squirrel proof.
Guys, I'm sorry for the blur on this video, but it was shot from my den filming through the window. I wanted you guys to see the activity around the feeders. I believe most of these birds are Goldfinch. Let me know if you think they are a different species. I believe I have found a new hobby!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Memorable 2015 Fishing Trips

This is the time of year I get to thinking of landing beautiful rainbow and browns on the Sipsey and Caney Fork. As stated in my last report it will be some time before that happens, because of high water on both tailraces. So all I have to satisfy the urge to cast to a live trout or bluegill are viewing some of the trips I made in 2015. This past year was my best on the Sipsey when it comes to landing quality rainbow. I think as each year passes I get more use to the tailrace and which patterns work at a particular time of the day and season. One of my best trips of 2015 was a trip where I felt I landed most all the quality trout I had lost the day before. I felt I really learned some things on this outing about position casting, patience, and how to really concentrate on the movement of the indicator, which in this case was a dry and a stick on indicator.
Back in early April of 2015 right before the spawn begin was one of my favorite trips going after some super size gills. The reason this trip really stands out in my mind was how hard I had to work to land some monster bluegills that were extremely wary of any boating activity anywhere near the super clear water where they were located. The numbers of huge bluegills I lost from break-offs in brush and not getting a solid hook set was another reminder of this outing.
Bass fishing was somewhat limited for me in 2015, because I was so busy going after the big bluegill on Smith and the rainbow on the Sipsey. Of all the bass outings I had this past year one was really memorable because I was breaking in a new bass bug line and using some really big poppers to attract big spots on Smith.
  Looking for too 2016 for more fly fishing action!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Eagle Claw Featherlight Fly Rods

I thought I would share this fly rod find I discovered the other day while searching the net. Troutlet is selling their Feather Light Eagle Claw Fly rod for 32.00 bucks in lengths of 6 ½ ft., 7 ft. and 8 ft. All these rods are fiberglass and have the stainless guides and taper fit fiberglass ferrules. I am probably going to order the 8 ft. one as if I needed another fly rod.

No fishing for me on the Sipsey heavy rains here has shut down the tailrace for weeks. Both generators are running every day with muddy water being released below the dam. The water at the tailrace outlet is higher than I have ever seen it. My first fishing trip will be sometime in February. So in the meantime, I will enjoy conversing with all my blog buddies.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Top Five Fly Patterns for Winter

I am sure a lot of you guys have heard of Hatch Magazine, if not I thought I would share a blog post that was written back in November of this past year. The post details the top five fly patterns for the winter months. I use some of the same patterns that were mentioned in his post, but what I found interesting is the various comments he received from his readers.

I have become a fan of Jonathan Barnes Fly Fishing Videos. His videos are filled with lots of information about the type of flies, equipment, and the techniques he uses to land the different trout species he is pursuing. If you are free for the next 25 minutes this one video featuring soft hackles is worth the watch.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Spending Time in the Woodshop

I thought I would share with you guys one of my woodworking projects I just finished this week. My daughter mentioned to me some weeks ago that the children’s little table and chairs were broken. The table legs had come off and the chairs were all broken. So I volunteered my services to build a table and chairs out of solid wood, instead of the compressed wood they were using. The solid wood version should last the grandchildren for years.  I have a small woodworking shop in my basement that keeps me busy with different projects throughout the year, especially during the slow fishing months. It will be weeks before I get to wet a fly because of all the rain we have had here lately, so I have time to spend in my shop.
Cathey plays an important part in a lot of my woodworking projects with the painting, stencil painting, staining, and varnishing. My main job is construction work and sanding the finished product.
Gorilla glue will hold anything together including these chairs and table; some tuff stuff!!! A chair for Cash, Laelyn, Bryson and a friend. 
  Enjoy your new table and chairs kids!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Making the Most Out of Time Well Spent

I couldn’t have asked for a better day to fish the Sipsey this past Friday. The temperature was in the low seventies with overcast skies most of the day. You notice I said most of the day, which meant I was going to give it my best today for the six hours I was given. I feel every time I visit this place I am making up for the lost time in trout fishing. As most of you know I only started fly fishing for trout some ten years ago on the Caney Fork in Tennessee with my son-in-law. Little did I know on this one trip that my fishing perspective would change forever for me? The fly rod now consumes 95% of my fishing experience. The trout on the Sipsey get all my attention now during the late fall and winter months, where in years past I would be fishing for bass on Smith Lake.
I have said this before but I will reiterate it again how I wish I had found the fly fishing passion when I was younger. So every day I am “GIVEN” now is time well spent landing trout like this beauty with its colors all aglow for Christmas.
The water today was high when I arrived at mid-morning. As the day unfolded it begin to reseed. Two generators would be running about an hour before I would leave late afternoon. I’ve learned especially for us older anglers that one doesn’t need to stand an entire wading trip. Snack breaks, fly changes, and a pause just to soak up the beautiful scenery can be excuse enough to find a seat. On the Sipsey those seats come in the form of numerous large boulders scattered up and down the gouge.
This image explains why we as trout fishermen love this sport so much. I could still see vivid colors on its gill plate as it swims back into the fast run it was taken from.
A complete contrast in the color scheme here with this healthy bow; it inhaled the nymph so hard I thought I had hooked a rock. The current was the key to today’s trip; the trout were holding in small seams where there was structure such as rocks and fallen timber. One never knows how the trout will react from day to day on the Sipsey. Today numerous trout were in the mood to inhale a number of patterns I cast their way, which made the day special!!