Sunday, June 7, 2015

Enjoying the Grandchildren This Past Week

Good times were had this past week with the grandchildren and our daughter. The zoo, pool activities and of course a trip to the lake for some live bait fishing was on the schedule. When my wife and I have the grandchildren to visit, everything is centered on them having a good time, which is the way it is supposed to be. Very little blogging, chores, and gym time were all put on the whole for four days. For all you guys who have grandchildren, just remember they are only little once, enjoy every minute you are given to enjoy them.

Bryson reeling in the largest sunfish I’ve ever seen landed from Smith Lake
One proud little Man!!
Bryson had a time landing this catfish using the microlight; 4lb test line, strip drag a few times, which really got him pumped.
Look out boaters Bryson is on the water; got to add a little learning to drive the boat into this trip
It won’t be long before Laelyn will be making some fishing trips with Pops. She didn’t like getting left behind on this trip; both found out that frozen fish are easier to handle than live ones.
Jenny and Bryson doubled out with two nice gills. Glad Jenny got to go with me again; I can remember taking her on numerous fishing trips when she was little.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Saving on the Fluorocarbon Leaders

Back in 2011 I did a post concerning the advantages of using the fluorocarbon leader. At that time I was using a traditional mono leader, which was giving me problems with line twist at times; also the mono could be seen in really clear water. The fluorocarbon solved both those issues for me. My only complaint with the fluorocarbon leader was the price ranging from 13.00 to 25.00.
I did save some when I starting using the tippet ring, which enables me to use the same leader for a year. The only part of the leader that is replaced is the tippet end of the leader. I simply tie in 2 ½ ft. of tippet into the ring and I am good to go. I use a lot of tippet because every time I tied on a new fly I lose tippet. I use a 9 ft. leader and like to keep the leader as close to 9 ft. as possible. After I have lost nine to ten inches I am ready for another tippet.
I’ve recently discovered another way to save on the tippet spools I am always buying to supply my seven fly reels. I have started using the Berkley Vanish fluorocarbon fishing line. One 250 yard spool will last for years and at eight bucks a spool that is a bargain. I have been using the line for a couple of months and really impressed with its performance. I can’t see the line in the waters at the tailrace, which is what got my attention. Another thing that impressed me was the limp low memory characteristic the line possesses.  I use 5X, 3X and 1X tippets which are 4, 6 and 8 lb. test line; these 3 spools will last me much longer than a few tippet spools, with line left over for my spinning reels; what a saving.    

Monday, May 25, 2015

A Reprieve from my Last Outing

After trying to fish the slim cover waters of Walker County Lake last week I wanted to fish some crystal clear waters this past Thursday. The Sipsey Tailrace was just the ticket, to rid me of the horror I experienced last week, while trying to bluegill fish on Walker Lake 
Fishermen always have a plan in place when venturing out on the water, and my plan today was to get on the water by mid afternoon and hopefully experience some type of hatch. In fact I was so confident of some sort of hatch; I didn’t even rig my fly rod until I actually got to the waters edge. As I approached the fast water at access four I notice a few midges here and there but nothing significant enough for me to tie on a dry. So I started with a soft hackle, because a few trout were feeding just below the surface. A soft hackle usually will generate a take if the drift is near perfection when the subsurface activity is happening. I stayed with the perfection drift soft hackle for a while with no results; so plan B was put into play, which was dead drifting a nymph. I hoped I could land some quality rainbow on the swing part of the drift. This same technique has produced some of my best rainbows this season on the tailrace. 

The dead drift yielded this rainbow on the swing. This technique places less emphasis on mending and more emphasis on feel.   
While viewing this rainbow, I imagined seeing these spots on the backs of future browns that may be stocked one day in the Sipsey.
The last rainbow of the afternoon was taken using a copper john dropped under an indicator. A few minutes after landing this trout the generators came on and cut short what looked to be an even more promising afternoon.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I Can’t Believe I Fish This Water

I had to want to fish really bad Tuesday to wet a fly in this messy slim and brown film cover water on Walker Lake. I drove up to the bait shop to get my fishing permit and really didn’t pay that much attention to the lake water, because I had big bull bluegills on my mind. The caretaker told me that he had fertilized the lake fourteen days earlier, so I thought surely it had cleared up some since my last visit the week before, man was I wrong. As I approached the launch I saw that the water looked a little cloudy, but that didn’t alarm me so I proceeded to launch the Pelican and troll to the east side of the lake as I always do. As I approached the east side I kept noticing the slim was getting thicker and the brown film was covering much more water surface, in fact the entire east side of the lake was completely cover with the brown film. With no wind the film would only move if it was broken with the fly, fly line, paddle, or the boat moving. In fact after I got home I had to wash both lines in soapy water to remove the slim. One would think fish would not hit anything in this slimy miss.
This would be the only bluegill I would land in the 20 minutes of misery I would spend in this place today. This is killing my bluegill quest!!!
It takes a dedicated fisherman to endure fishing in this over fertilized water. I will not wet another fly in this place until the lake is clear.   

Saturday, May 16, 2015

B.T. and I on the Caney Fork

Fishing with a guide is always a plus when one is trying to land quality trout. Friday’s outing was one of those guide trips that had quality trout as well as numbers brought to hand. David of Southeastern Fly had B.T. and me on trout from the start of the half-day trip to the finish. The weather was good with low humidity, and some rain, which took a back seat to the fish action.  Generators were off giving the Caney tailrace a natural flow with all the familiar pockets, seams, and some fast water; which would test our skills landing the trout as well as getting that perfect drift.

Some of the many trout B.T. landed while fishing the Pheasant Tail nymph in some slow to fast water. B.T. and I have made a number of trips with David of Southeastern fly and always had great trips. Fishing with someone who loves the sport as much as I do makes the trip special. Our daughter found a winner in B.T. Cathey and I consider him our second son!!
 My second favorite tailrace to fish; the Caney has some awesome browns and rainbow swimming in its waters. B.T. and I enjoyed fishing with David, hope we can make a trip again next year.