This will be my first post using the new interface Blogger has converted to. I have been experimenting with the commands and found they are all the same as the old version with the exception of the interface layout. This new version makes it easier to convert your blog to book form which I am in the process of doing. It takes a tremendous amount of time to go through over 600 plus posts and gramma check each one before the post is submitted. I started this project back in January and worked for a couple of months. Work stopped in March which is the start of my fishing season so hopefully, I will get back on track in November. This project reminds me of my Ancestry work I started right after I retired, which took roughly two years. I hope this blog to book project is finished before two years. Landing those trout, spotted bass, and bluegill is more important than the blog to book project right now.
I'm still spending my Tuesday's and Thursday's fishing the lake now and very little time on the Sipsey Tailrace because of the tremendous amount of generating that is taking place on Smith Lake. The generation will slow down after Labor Day. Cathey and I always enjoy spending time with the grandchildren the following pictures were taken on their last visit.
Bryson on a recent trip landing one the largest crappie he has ever landedHis sister Laelyn got in on the action as well!!