Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Power of the Spotted Bass verses the Largemouth Bass Fly Fishing

Guys, this post is devoted to bass fishing. Today, I want to compare the power of the Spotted Bass and the Largemouth Bass when using a fly rod. Both are formidable opponents, but the Spotted Bass emerges as the champion in fighting power. So, what sets it apart?

If you notice, the spotted bass has a more streamlined and muscular body than the largemouth bass. This body structure allows them to move swiftly and generate more power during a fight. I think the brown trout has the same features as the spotted bass. This is why the brown trout is the winner in fighting power versus the rainbow trout. 

Spotted Bass are stronger swimmers than largemouth, especially against river or large stream currents. Being a stronger swimmer translates into more intense power once you hook this fish. 

Spotted bass are much more aggressive and territorial than largemouth bass. This aggressive behavior often results in more intense and prolonged fights when hooked, as they tend to resist more. When hooked, a twelve-inch Spotted Bass can exhibit more fight and power than a twelve-inch largemouth. Fighting a twelve-inch Spotted Bass using a 4 or 5 wt. fly rod is exciting. Playing the fish is all part of the excitement of landing the fish using a light 5X or 6X tippet. You don't rush landing a twelve-inch Spotted Bass using a light tippet; if you do, the fish has beat you most of the time!

Spotted bass often exhibit greater stamina and endurance than largemouth bass, allowing them to put up a prolonged fight. This makes landing them more challenging.

The videos below show why I am obsessed with fly fishing for Spotted Bass and Largemouth on Smith Lake. I've stated this several times before, but if I had to choose any lake in the South to fly fish for bass, it would be Smtih Lake!

This Spotted Bass was taken three weeks ago at the Smith Dam at daylight fishing an olive number 8 Boggle Bug popper. Daylight is my favorite time to fish Smith for quality Spotted Bass, and this one was of high quality on my 6 wt. Listen for the drag to engage numerous times as I fight this fish. Also, take note of what I said at the end of the video.

I remember Jason landing this Spotted Bass right before the sun came up, using his 4 wt. to fish for bluegill off the rock wall in the background. I missed filming most of the video because I was looking for the video camera in a number of compartments in the boat. This was a quality Spotted bass to land using a 4 wt. He loves to Smtih Lake when he is home from Sacramento.
Another quality Spotted Bass was taken in the nook area off this rock wall. I landed this fish using Barr Nunn size 8 fishing for the big bull bluegills that call this area home. I used my 4. wt. to fight this fish. I'm glad I had my drag set for the numerous runs it made because I was using a 6X tippet to fight this fish. I have landed many bluegills off this wall, but my time fishing this wall is limited because I expect a floating pier to be placed here as soon as the lot is sold; what a shame!


  1. To repeat the overused phrase "The tug is the drug." -- Too bad about the pier, but it could become fish structure.

  2. Al
    That phrase says it all: a new one for me. I should have mentioned this in the post, but the rock walls I love to fish will be covered with floating piers in the next five years. It will be challenging to cast in and around the cables holding the piers in place. The pairs have some excellent bass beneath them, but I lose the beauty of casting a popper next to the base of the walls and seeing that explosive hit. Thanks for the comment
