Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bluegill could be commercialized for food markets

I recently got this email alert concerning using Bluegill for commercial use. I know it is illegal to sell bluegill, so to read this piece really got my attention. Catfish is locally farmed and sold, so in the near future you might start seeing bluegill along side catfish at your local meat market. Bluegill for Commercial Use

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Fisherman's Language

This past Saturday it rained all day, so one of my projects was to clean out our basement. While rambling through lots of trash I discovered a plaque I had used in my office at school some years ago. I discovered it is a little faded and worn, but still readable. It is called Fisherman’s Language. I can’t tell you how many comments I have had over the years about this piece of information. I am sure some of you have seen this before and for those of you who want it translated post a request in your comment. 
Fisherman Language
